Discharge co-ordinator Ria Sage is hoping to raise £500 for East Kent Hospitals Charity by running a half marathon around some of London’s parks.
Ria, who works at William Harvey Hospital, has already tackled five km and 10km events but the Royal Parks half marathon will be her longest race to date.
She said: “I enjoy keeping fit and going to the gym so this is a challenge I wanted to take on.
“Working at WHH has given me a greater understanding of the needs for the funds, which I know will go to a good cause to help patients during their hospital stay.”
Ria is currently completing training runs twice a week, gradually increasing the distance.
She said: “Training is going well, but the only thing that’s difficult is the weather as sometimes it can be too hot to run!
“Hopefully it will be cooler in October when I do the half marathon.”
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Kent & Canterbury Hospital,
Ethelbert Road, Canterbury,
Kent CT1 3NG
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